Hanging on

It was cloudy and cool when we got up, for which I was grateful. I deadheaded the roses and weeded then decided to make a start on the family year book. MrC tried to get quotes for travel insurance but now he is over 80 with some health issues which the on-line forms did not recognise, he had to phone. Mr C was unable to understand her English and she couldn’t under stand the medical words which he had to spell. She came back with a quote of over £1000. Hopefully he’ll do better with the next company.

He had to give up as we needed to call on Carol and Phil with a bunch of roses en route to pick up James from school. Carol had bad news. They got back from the States yesterday and she found she’d developed what looks like DVT. She’s been put on medication and is getting an ultrasound on Sunday. She didn’t wear compression stockings. Mr C usually doesn’t but says he will now.

I let James play some football with a friend in his front yard on the walk home where we picked up Thomas. While waiting for Mr C to buy our tea the boys amused themselves by seeing how long they could hang onto the pole - in the blip James is timing Thomas. He did 1 minute 30 seconds. Patrinis let us down with the fish and chips - my fish was dry and James said his scampi was not cooked.

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