Busy Wednesday
It was Mother's Day here on Sunday, and though it wasn't the lazy day I might have hoped for, it did result in some rather lovely presents. From CarbBoy a handy napkin ring, and from TallGirl this painting from her art class (I think her teacher helped...) and a book of gift vouchers. I like the sound of a 'grasse matinée' (lie in with breakfast in bed I think). Though I might work on TallGirl's breakfast making skills before I cash it in. On Sunday morning I came downstairs (after a pause lying in bed to let them finish setting everything up, of course) to a pot of tea and a plate of biscuits. What joy, to have the tea made so I can sit down and enjoy it without even touching the kettle... On pouring it I thought it looked a bit weak and, on second sniff, realised it smelled of mint. Sigh. The mint tea jar is probably on reflection a bit too similar to the regular tea jar. Still, it's the thought that counts.
Busy day, and a not altogether satisfactory one. CarbBoy refused to go to basketball, and I think I was being spun a line on the reason. So, trying to tread a fine line between not letting on that I didn't believe him (just in case it is all true) and being tough because I don't approve of missing stuff and letting your team down. I think we found a way through but I don't feel I covered myself in parenting glory today. Perhaps that's why, come the 11pm bliphunt, this tableau appealed.
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