The Happy Return

My Dear Princess and Lovely Nieces,

I am back! 

The final leg of the final part of my return journey SUCKED. It always does. The closer you get to home (and BED) the more you can't wait to be home (and in BED).

A baby screamed and screamed all through the final hours of the flight into Auckland. Then there was the long queue to go through bio-security. 

It's strange how every airport is slightly different. In the UK they are so utterly BONKERS on liquids. On putting everything with liquids into little plastic bags. In Hong Kong they make you go through security AGAIN, even though you're in transit. And in Aotearoa, they are utterly vigilant on food, plants, meat and dirt. 

I mean, I get it. But it's a pain in the @rse. But I get it. 

I got through it eventually and rushed to the gate for the Wellington flight. 


Oh f***

Delayed some more.

Oh f*** f*** f***.

Two hours later, I eventually got on the flight to Wellington. I was wobbly and nodding off even during the safety demonstration. So I was a little bit grumpy by the time I got on the shuttle bus from the airport to the railway station. 

"I can see you!" texted Manda from the train.

Manda has been having a tough week. It's Graduation Week at Cordon Bluh and she has been working 12 hour days. She came over to see me and gave me a hug and a kiss, despite my smelling of two days of travel. She told me she loved me and I told her I loved her back.

It's a nice way to come home.

I took the opportunity to unload my duty-free purchases onto her. I have missed Manda and Jefe a lot. It meant a lot to see her like this. It cheered me up - but more importantly it kept me awake. 

Caro came to collect me from the station and we got MacDonalds. Caro has done so much around the house while I was away - she's repainted the kitchen and rearranged the cupboards. 

I couldn't really appreciate it. I ate my quarter pounder. And then I went to bed and slept and slept and slept. 


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