Vis tes rêves

"Ne rêve pas ta vie , vis tes rêves"
Is what it says on their trailer.
It’s amazing what you see on a campsite. This evening we got talking to a French couple who have cycled here from somewhere in France to here in Portugal , near Mount Torre in the Serra da Estrela. They cycled 60 kilometres today but over a thousand since they set out from home. They have a tandem and this little trailer with a tent, chairs, all their equipment etc. amazing.
It’s a beautiful area. We planned to drive up to the summit of Torre which you can do. You need to go on the main road though, not the little minor road we tried to use. The weather was awful,  rain and low cloud, so we turned back as it was not much fun. We are at a lovely campsite and will give it another go tomorrow if the visibility is better.

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