
I love this time of year around here when you not only look outward and upward...but you also start looking downward. Downward for tiny little creatures on flowers and leaves. Not my favorite, but...oh so interesting.

I don't even know if these are silkworms. The ones pictured on Google were bigger and meatier, but...for the sake of my finish...they're silkworms.

I put 4 other pictures on my FLICKR PAGE. Talk about small...the little orange "spider" on the used-up the smallest creature besides the gnat...that I've ever seen.

To the silkworms. Since I am not a big fan of either silk sheets or silk shirts...I asked the little guys to make me a couple of ties. One in solid blue, and one in a blue and gold stripe. (I figured that would cost more.)

They immediately "jumped" into action. I caught it on video, but it wasn't good enough for a link. Strange to watch.

I'll be waiting for my ties, and I'll be waiting for a correction if you know what these worms are.

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