
Garage sale Thursday with my 2 sisters. 10 spots on the list, along with a couple of subdivision sales.

We arrived at this sale to find Romeo, who I would guess to be some kind of Husky. Romeo was standing guard.

I don't know if you can tell by the picture...but I just imagine if some 70 year old Grandma tried to run off with some costume jewelry...that Romeo would S-P-R-I-N-G into action, and cut her off at the pass. He just had that look.

I thought of the only 2 Romeos I knew. The first hung out with Juliet, and the only line I know from the play is..."Romeo, Romeo...wherefore art thou Romeo? I might be getting my movies mixed up...but I think Juliet lets her hair down over the edge, and Romeo climbs up it.

The second Romeo comes from the golf movie Tin Cup. Romeo (Cheech Martin) is a caddie who works for Roy McAvoy (Kevin Costner.)

I don't know why...but I know a bunch of lines from this one. I decided to use a couple of them on the guard dog.

It was hot today. 80F (25C), but humid. A little breeze would be nice.

To the dog..."I didn't hit it all Romeo. We need a gust from the Gods." Romeo didn't reply...still just laying there.

The homeowners had a nice set of golf irons for sale, but they were all taped up. Again, to the dog..."Can I get a 7-iron Romeo? I hit a 7-iron like John Daly hits a 3." Romeo doesn't move.

Perhaps he needs a Juliet to let down her golden hair...before he moves.

No big buys for me today, and at about 1 p.m., we got rained out. I hope Romeo went indoors.

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