I’m watching you!!!

The task for today was to get Amber registered with a vetinary practice. We are joining the one that Olive and the cats are with, as they are highly recommended.

We just turned up late morning and waited our turn to register. Amber was a bit grumpy and growled at any person or animal who said hello. The Receptionist was brilliant and came round to feed her treats. They offered,  if we had time for a short wait, for the nurse to do a quick examination. 

Our old practice in Saxilby had told us that Amber’s records could be transferred once we had a new practice, so they were contacted and I was able to give permission. The person that I spoke to, not sure which nurse it was, was so complimentary about Amber and how lovely she it. So much for Miss Grumpy Pants today, she was given a good report!!! 

Home via Tesco’s for food and petrol. The new house has about a third of the fridge and freezer capacity of the old house, so shopping is having to be smaller amounts more often. The extreme heat is not helping as I usually store spare vegetables in the garage where it should be cooler. Some hope!!! 

The sheep in the blip were in the field next to the Vet’s. They were all gathered together by the fence as we came out to the car, but mostly scattered as they saw Amber. This poppet stayed to peek through the fence. 

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