Big Sky

A Blipmeet with Wildmint and Hilary.  In total we were a party of five who stomped up from Solalex to Anzeindaz.  Here the blue sky began to change and briefly we were treated to a fantastic cloudshow.   The sea of white is made up of millions of flowers on Ranunculus aconitifolius which features as an extra pic.  

Hilary led us to a little visited high valley which was a most beautiful place with lots of early season flowers as the snow had not long melted.  After the others turned back, having other commitments, Hilary led me on to the col at the top of the valley where we found a few elusive fresh flowers of Pulsatilla vernalis - extra pic - which flowers early and in places with relatively less depth of snow, so can be hard to find in good condition.  A little gem.   Hilary also retreated mid afternoon, leaving me alone to explore other paths.  The weather turned grey and there was a little rain but I still found lots of nice things including a fine Silene acaulis at the head of the valley as Hilary departed - extra pic.   

There's a final extra, almost was the main blip but Hilary helped me choose tonight so the shot of a champion blipper - and thoroughly lovely friend, is relegated to be an extra pic.

Big thank you to all who left presents for my previous blip and elevated it into the top ten in the popular pages.

Blipping a day behind as I stayed in the mountains overnight and was entirely without internet.   I found a friend at the refuge Solalex, good company beats the web anytime!

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