Retail therapy

Major excursion to the vet this morning when Graham, Kat and I took Esra, Harry and Rufus to Akbuk for Dilara to give them their annual rabies shots.  It was quite the car full!  Anyway, all is well, and my Harry and Rufus are another step closer to going back to the UK with me. 

Leaving our four legged companions at home, Graham, Kat and I went to Didim where first of all we had a lunch at Cadde Bistro (excellent omelette),  and then Kat and I went for a little R&R therapy - both needing some inexpensive summer clothes for daily wear.  I had to smile in LCWalkiki when I saw this chap resignedly waiting for 'the wife'. Men the world over will surely recognize this scene, related to gender differences :) Graham, clearly the smarter variety of the species, was meanwhile, having a good time back at Cadde Bistro with a mate and a beer. 

Shopped out, we ended up back at the cafe bar for another couple of hours so that it was early evening by the time we returned home where Rufus had, hurrah, not destroyed anything on the balcony and was waiting calmly for my return. He's learning.  Eight weeks today since I brought him home. 

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