Hwyl a gemau a phitsa

Hwyl a gemau a phitsa ~ Fun and games and pizza

“A good image is created by a state of grace. Grace expresses itself when it has been freed from conventions, free like a child in his early discovery of the reality. The game is then to organize the rectangle.”
― Sergio Larraín Echeñique

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Am ryw reswm mae dau 'Sul y Tadau' gyda ni eleni, un (dydd Sadwrn) gyda Richard, Steph a theulu ac un (dydd Sul) gyda Daniel.

Felly heddiw aethon ni ar ein beiciau i'r Rhath i ymweld Richard, Steph, Sam a Zoe. Roedd diwrnod llawn o hwyl a bwyd.

Aethon ni allan i 'Roma Eat' pitsaria. Rydw i erioed wedi bod yna o'r blaen. Roedd naws hapusrwydd am y lle - rydyn  ni bob amser yn mwynhau lleoedd lle mae'r staff yn hapus - ac roedd y pitsa yn dda iawn hefyd. Enwyd y pitsas ar ôl lleoedd Rhufeinig enwog fel y colosseum neu fforwm. Dylen nhw gael slogan fel 'Eat Tu Brute'.

Aethon ni adre gyda Richard a Steph i gael pwdin. Roedd Richard wedi gwneid 'cacen oergell' - gyda siocled , Maltesters a bricyll - creadigaeth ryfeddol.

Gyda'r nos chwaraeon ni gêm bwrdd 'Azul' ac roedd e'n lliwgar a diddorol iawn.

Yna, seiclon ni adre, yn llawn o fwyd a hapusrwydd.

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For some reason we have two 'Father's Days' this year, one (Saturday) with Richard, Steph and family and one (Sunday) with Daniel.

So today we went on our bikes to Roath to visit Richard, Steph, Sam and Zoe. It was a full day of fun and food.

We went out to 'Roma Eat' pizzeria. I've never been there before. There was an air of happiness about the place - we always enjoy places where the staff are happy - and the pizza was very good too. The pizzas were named after famous Roman places such as the colosseum or forum. They should have a slogan like 'Eat Tu Brute'.

We went home with Richard and Steph to have dessert. Richard had made a 'refrigerator cake' - with chocolate, Maltesters and apricots - a wonderful creation.

In the evening we played the board game 'Azul' and it was very colourful and interesting.

Then, we cycled home, full of food and happiness.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Plentyn yn aros yn amyneddgar am bitsa
Description (English): A child waiting patiently for pizza

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