Bridgnorth Market

A day wallowing in memories. First to Bridgnorth where their excellent Saturday market was in full swing. We called in at the Severn Valley Railway but we’re between trains.

From Bridgnorth we drove towards my home town of Wellington and climbed the Wrekin then to watch cricket for a while at the ground of my old club which is opposite to where my parents lived for most of their lives.

Finally we ended up at the unchanged village of Uppington where my grandparents and dad lived for decades. We visited Jack and Daisy’s grave in the churchyard and walked down to their house. While peering over the hedge we got talking g to the owners who moved in after grandad left in 1983 and are still there. The house was largely unchanged and the views still spectacular. In a further neat twist m of continuity chap works on the same farm as my grandad.

To round off the day we had a meal at The Huntsman at Little Wenlock. A place I’ve never been too but was very popular with those slightly older that me when I was playing cricket at Wellington as a teenager. It was quite the place to go in the late 1960s and early 1970s and the steaks were very popular

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