A winner

The plan was to go to Cheadle Hospital to the walk-in clinic for our booster Covid jabs this morning. We anticipated a long queue and wait, so did some picture hanging before we left, so that there would be something to show for today. Our bed room is now done, time to move on to the next area.

It was a first trip to Cheadle, a quaint town with narrow winding roads which are mostly one way. We were amazed to find that there wasn’t a queue at the hospital, so we went straight in, did the paperwork and had our jabs, the longest wait was the 15 minutes afterwards to make sure we were ok. 

I took the opportunity to ask some of the staff if they knew where the Quilting shop was and was there parking nearby. It was one of the male porters who knew the site exactly.  

That was our next port of call. An absolutely gem of a place and a very helpful owner. This is a real quilters paradise. She runs lots of classes, one of which is in a village closer to where we live. There will be more on this subject over time. 

From there we went to Morrisons for a couple of items that I normally buy from them. I wasn’t expecting to see the store, as when I did a search on line before we moved there didn’t appear to be any branches locally. 

Home for some lunch and a rest. 

This evening we have watched the Astro-Chat lecture from Lincoln Uni entitled ‘The Sun today: Hot with storms’. Very topical!!! Now that we have internet we were able to watch it on B’s PC in his study which is at the back of the house and is much cooler there in the evening. Once again it was way beyond my level of knowledge, but I find it interesting. 

Four weeks ago today we moved in. Two large removal vans deposited all our worldly goods packed in cardboard boxes, then left. I’m absolutely amazed at what we have achieved in the time, but we have worked long hours. 

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