Wild Wednesday ...

... Flag Day.

As it's Flag Day here in the States I thought I'd make it special by putting out an American Flag for the chipmunks ... and other wildlife.

It took a while for the chipmunks to come around but the blue jay was here almost immediately!  They are so smart and know that when they hear the back door opening there will probably be peanuts!  I love them!

The main photo is one of the young chippies born the Spring.  He wasn't at all hesitant regarding the prop.  And he might as well get used to them as they are my "thing"!   The lower right is momma chipmunk.  She's an old pro at the chippy props.    Please have a look full screen.

Thanks for all the love shown to yesterday's swallowtail.  Each heart, comment and star are very much appreciated. 

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