Tiny Tuesday ...

... Eastern Tiger Swallowtail.

The weather today was much better than yesterday ... although we did need the rain that fell throughout the day.   Plenty of sunshine today and warmer temps.

As I was sitting on the deck painting my toenails ... as one does ... I saw a butterfly on the milkweed.  I was really hoping it would have been a monarch as we have yet to see any this year ... not a single one.  However, it wasn't a monarch but this beautiful Eastern tiger swallowtail instead.  At least she was enjoying all the nectar on the milkweed flowers ... even if there are no monarchs yet.  And we have sooooo much milkweed right now just waiting for the monarchs to show up! 

I had other (probably better) pictures of her but I liked the tiny photobombing bee in this one.  Thanks to jensphotos for hosting Tiny Tuesday this month. 

Better viewed in full screen.

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