Hot hot hot

I do love the warmer weather but preferably when I’m wearing the right clothes and don’t have lots if running around to do.

The morning was spent making up the beds in the caravan and filling it with towels and clothing etc. I had left a fair amount of tinned and other packaged foodstuffs after our last trip so the fresh stuff can be loaded tomorrow.

Mr PHL took Phin to the woods at Dalkeith at lunchtime as it was too hot to walk anywhere else. It’s a totally shaded walk so hopefully ok. I got in with the ironing and yet another load of washing (which dried in a couple of hours). Nipped to the shops mid afternoon and the car temp gauge said it was 29C. Phew!

After Phin had his dinner I took him to Newbattle so he could have a swim. It was the busiest I’ve seen for a long time. Everyone taking advantage of the cooler evening I suspect.

Home to have my tea whilst Mr PHL was enjoying an outdoor art class, followed by some more organising and finally sitting with a glass of wine as I’ve got loads of calories left over from all the exercise I’ve done today!

Looking forward to our trip to Alnwick tomorrow.

A wee blip of one of the lavender beds at Newbattle. Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting AbstractThursday.

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