Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Waiting waiting waiting ..

Eve and Flora spent so long in the sea again today I am surprised they did not develop gills.

First off an apology for my terrible replying to you all .. I can't always get Internet connection and sometimes the replies just won't load .. I shall catch up on Saturday and Sunday I promise ..

Today a man offered to carry my poo bag to the bin ... It was not my poo .. It was Sadies ..they are very nice around here as a man helped Tits McGee put her tent up when she arrived on Tuesday .. This was after the same man watched Wiggy struggle with hers ... Tits and I have decided that as wiggy has so much hair no one wants to hump her but we are indeed humpable ... Poor Wiggy .. Maybe they think she is hairy all over , like a monkey .. ?
We did a massive walk in the sand dunes today and found a pair of pants,we did not keep them ..
Eve went to fetch me an ice cream and when she got back it was half eaten , she claimed it was melting fast ... sigh...
Glorious weather again today so I think the camping in bad weather curse has lifted !!!
I have loved every minute of this trip and taken about 500 photos ... Tomorrow I need to get home and start rinsing and washing wetsuits ..

Quote of the day 'ugggghhhhh,I smell disgusting ... Like bum' lovely Lucy ... Classy chick .

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