Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Bit like the Waltons...

Only not very wholesome ;)
This is the entire camping party ... We women folk pretended Mr W was a Mormon and he had three wives .. No one believed us they just thought we were bloody ridiculous ...
By golly gosh I have had a great few days ... Lucy said to me yesterday ''mum I love camping" .. See now even if I never wanted to go again I would as it gives my girls such joy and they are only little for such a short time. Not one argument or upset between these children .. All of them rub along beautifully and they did us proud I tell you ... As for the adults,well the same cannot be said ,except for me they are a disgrace ....
What a horrible journey home .. The M5 was the busiest I have seen it in years !! We could have flown to bloody Spain and back in the time it took get home,normally it only takes 3 hours maximum and that is stopping for a toilet stop too !
Anyway washing on.. Car empty .. Everything put away and now I am going to bed ... The next trip is Scotland .. NOT in a tent,in a cottage :D

PS don't feel sorry for Mr W being the token husband .. He loves it ... X

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