Stromness Nestles Below Binkie's Brae

On waking we are presented with a vast silk tablecloth with the very slightest of riffles.  Then we realise it is the sea and the fine natural harbour that is Scapa Flow.  Despite seeing this daily we still gaze in wonder.  However, after receiving a petition to stop me Blipping the blue sea yet again, I have responded by including some terra firma.  Albeit the only thing this Blip lacks is a) a vessel slowly moving into harbour and b) a competent photographer.
After gazing in awe at the sea we went through to the dancing sweatbox below Kirkwall Town Hall.  Fiona’s Polka was on the card.  It was the first time I’d danced the Highland Schottische in the tropics.  I then changed guise after receiving a call from CM Taxis to act as a chauffeur.  My fare wanted to go to Sheila Fleet’s eatery in Tankerness.  Whilst at the table I noticed my fare’s feet didn’t touch the ground.
Back at Creel HQ, Scullion wasn’t present p.m. so we had to erect the chaise longue on the croquet lawn.  A little frugal straddling took part.  I can see why it has never become an Olympic event.
I’ve been nibbling ginger biscuits again.
The shoehorn is missing once more.
Tony Soper is still 94.

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