Floating in the Blue - Scapa Flow

We called Ailsa in Birsay early doors for a catch up but a meet up will not happen until after her visit to Nethy Bridge.  Up to Karen’s, in the village, to water her seeds.  Then in toon in past the Orkney Archive to hand in a rather precious artefact.
Despite the heatwave we ensconced ourselves in the Kirkwall Town Hall for a sweatbox of a SCD session.  Preston Mill was the top dance.  Only one other person noted the unexpected appearance of Gabby Hayes during the post terpsichorean lunch.  Bunty aired her latest theory which indicates the only way to get to see a dentist is to stand on a rake.
Back at HQ we bathed in heat and were done to a crisp2.  Watered the tunnel, Biffo thinks we are now only 10 metres from the perimeter fence.
Tony Soper (the Naturalist’s naturalist) is 94.
1Thanks to Susie for the title
2 No relation of Quentin

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