Life in the Churchyard

This ancient gravestone has life on it.  The churchyard, at the top of the hill, is full of mono compositions in my head, but I don't often get up there to exploit them.  Except that this was the last visit for the week of locking up.

More good news: the electricity Distribution Network Operator, SSE, has adjusted the voltage to our area, going from 258v to 244v, according to the graph produced by our new solar inverter.  Hurrah!  We can now get full production from our solar panels and our EV's chargepoint, both of which were tending to trip off at the over-voltage.  I wish I had chased it up when we arrived: I noticed that our old inverter was tripping off and that the voltage on the National Grid was measured at 260v; but I knew little of the systems until our new chargepoint was acting up because of the excessive voltage.

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