Bath Abbey - The Tower

Following my blip yesterday, of the outside of Bath Abbey, we went in this morning: it's a beautiful, light and airy place. As part of our visit we went on the Tower Tour. This involved climbing up 212 spiral steps so it helped to keep us fit! The guide was excellent told us loads of information as we stopped at intervals on the way up - including seeing the clock mechanism from inside (main blip), the bell-ringing room and the bell loft itself.

The views from the top were fab: the extra shows the Roman Baths, viewed from above.

In the afternoon we did something different - we had a walk along the river to the art building of Bath Spa University to look at their annual students' art exhibition. Needless to say all the art wasn't exactly to our taste but we enjoyed it and some pieces were quite thought-provoking, especially a photographic one by a girl who'd recovered from anorexia.

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