Deconstructed ice cream

I had the first half of the morning with a friend and a coffee, and the second half doing 24-7 admin. Later on was the next podcast chat...this conversation was around courage and success and it. was. brilliant. Conversations that create deep connection are up my street, and this was one of those. One of the women there (only 6 of us, keeping it small for now) runs a death cafe giving people space to talk about a taboo subject...either for people to talk about their experiences, or for people to just come and talk about it. 
Blip is strawberry ice-cream being made - strawberries, lime, honey and coconut milk...

Drama of the day;
Nate accidentally eating both gluten and lactose (half a cheese sarnie!)... Especially a shame as he'd had to pass up on birthday cake at school because of the gluten, to then have it in his system later via a mistaken identity sandwich!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A day full of others, self and Jesus.
2) Photos of my mom, Mamie and my cousin Nat. 
3) People wanting to share life on a deeper and more open level. 

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