Team Time EB

Today was one of those crazy days that I didn't know how we'd manage to get through, but here I am at 11,30pm and everything's calm and the day is done, somehow we muddled through.
Things today included;
Kids on a photoshoot for Soul Water
Beeswax cream making to show a friend my recipe
Plumber at the centre
cleaning up at the centre
Getting dinner ready for the team tonight
Organising someone to come deal with the cockroach problem in the centre
Seeing my Wednesday woman in the shelter (on a Thursday!)
other bits. 

Great to take the team to the centre tonight and show them the space and pray in it and for it.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Juliette helping out when I had to be in 2 places at once and the kids needed handing over to a friend for the shoot. She was such a help this afternoon.
2) Praying with the team.
3)The peace and quiet of being at the other end of a full on day.

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