It went well!

I didn't see all that there was to see, or eat all that was available (fortunately :-)) but the fête seemed to go well.  It was tiny, as you can see from this overhead photo, but over 100 cars were in the car parking field at one point or another.

It should mean that a fair amount of money will be available for the village hall and a few local charities.

In the Extras: the owner enjoys a glass of wine and a smoke in the courtyard of her home; and a beautiful old machine which motored to the venue from about 4 miles away – a single cylinder diesel which is used on a smallholding for kids with special needs.  Apparently the kids love being on the tractor, particularly a blind youngster who loves the feeling of the machine.  To start it you use a winder in the flywheel (hidden on the left in this picture) and light some cardboard in a small pipe at the bottom of the grille in the front, to warm the cylinder head.  

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