one day in France

By Frenchtoast

Back in A&E!

So to cut a long story short, it seems I was right and I have got a broken bone in my hand! Also there’s a bit of bone pulled off which is probably where the Intern pulled my finger to see if it hurt!
Apparently I didn’t make enough fuss about the pain I was in, as I wasn’t really in much pain, so they didn’t think it was worth X-Raying me.  Next time, if there is one of course, which I hope there won’t be, I shall be screaming blue murder when anyone touches me if it will get me the correct investigations and a timely diagnosis. I was still quite dazed after the crash to be assertive enough I think.
I was trained as an A&E nurse in Oxford, more than 40 years ago, and yes I know things have moved on, but I’m quite shocked at what I’ve encountered this week. It’s in direct contrast with the brilliant medical services elsewhere in France where waiting times are short, you book your own appointments and carry your own notes.
Oh and we met with Mr Speedy who, surprise surprise, had changed his story completely and blames me for the fact that he hit me side on at 90-100kmh!

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