On The Road Again

We were up and out the door by 9:00 am. The trip was fine except for road construction and an accident close to tonight’s destination; it added an extra hour of driving. I actually stayed awake and enjoyed listening to music and singing along with hubby. Rather than stop for a heavy lunch, we each ate two small slices of leftover pizza from last night’s dinner. We were hungry by 5:00 though so we had a tasty Mexican dinner before checking in to the hotel in Wytheville, VA. We will finish the trip to our destination tomorrow. Nine hours of driving is more than enough for hubby. These are a few scenes from today’s drive. We saw a little of everything especially clusters of wildflowers. I am happy you can distinguish they are flowers since they were taken whizzing down the road. You can see how hazy it was until we got to southern Virginia. Thanks for dropping by. I hope to read your journals tonight but a nap is calling my name. Stay safe. “Together we make memories that will last a lifetime, one mile at a time." - unknown

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