
The weather again started a little cool and dull so with the forecast not looking the best again Julie went to Skegness on the train to visit her Dad.
I stayed at home to do a couple of jobs around the house. I also took a walk into town to pay a cheque into the bank. While in town I popped into Wilko to try and get some lining paper for the spare bed room but the was out of stock so will have to pick some up from possibly B&Q sometime.
The weather did improve this afternoon  so I took a drive to Whisby Nature reserve in the hope I would see some orchids but no sign of any.  I did enjoy a nice walk in the sun . I took a few Damselfly shots as there was hundreds of them. I did also spot a couple of lovely Dragonflies but typically they didn't settle long enough to allow me to get a shot or an ID, I also spotted a rather strange looking bug a bit like a large Bee but again unable to get a shot of it but having look on the internet I believe it was a bee-fly would have been nice to get a shot of it.
I also spotted a couple of Mistle Thrushes and managed this shot of this one it looks like it is listening .

Back home to do a bit more around the house which included painting over some stain with a stain block paint . While doing this Minstrel took interest in what I was doing and ended up with some paint on the back of his neck , I wiped away the wet paint of him but it did leave a bit of dried up paint on his fur  , When Julie arrived home she insisted on cutting the fur away from him which he didn't enjoy.
A relaxed evening now and fingers crossed for a better day of weather tomorrow as we are planning to go to Chambers wood tomorrow 

One more job to do tonight and that will be later on put the old freezer  out onto  the pathway ready for been collected in the morning for collection by the council 

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