Serious Passport Photo Pose!

Saffy is recovered from her pancreatitis so we headed out for our walk. She lost weight after a week of being ill. Poor Saffy.

We popped to Gloagburn for chicken fillets and olive oil. I use a lot of olive oil and use this really good quality one that only can get there. Good to see they have tarred their extremely pot holed car park. It was a disgrace!! Fine for folks with the massive four wheel drives of which there are plenty in Gloagburn car park but for those of us with the normal cars it was a nightmare to use. We’ve not been for ages to Gloags. It was mobbed.

Home for lunch and again some gardening. It’s never done though a garden is it!

Ben arrived after school. Tonight is the third night of the Joseph show in the theatre and it’s going well he says. We are going to the Saturday matinee performance taking my mum.

Ben needed a passport photo . S took it but I also took a shot for Blip. He’s has changed so much since last year even. Facially and height. And a spotty face now, like his Dad.

He was dropped off at the theatre at 5:30.

I’ve still not heard from G. The other person hasn’t either but that was a query and I don’t think she will.

The weather was grey again but not quite as grey as yesterday. If it’s still grey tomorrow we are heading west again for some sun.

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