Number one

After a day of gardening, projects and planning a trip to Denmark, the energy ran out so yesterdays blip is this one.

I was greeted by my gardens first poppy during my teeth-brushing routine in the morning. It being there, has nothing to do with me, it put itself there. In a week or two there are more coming, growing in patches in the high grass.

The started project is a minor one but important to me, making a proper workbench in my garden-shed. For the first time ever I will have somewhere to do little jobs indoors with tools at hand and space to move. A small dream come true.

I'm planning a roundtrip to see my cousins and friends in Denmark and Skåne, the southernmost part of Sweden. I guess it's a kind of holiday, with some loose ends to discover some new places. From home to Gothenburg, to Denmark, to Skåne and back home again. A rather long journey by car but I look forward to it.

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