Oxeye Daisy

I took things very gently this morning, yesterday's bending over to plant the saxifrage did nasty things to my back! We desperately needed to go to the lodge to do gardening but put it off to see how I was after lunch.

I did some good things while I rested, one of which was ordering some new cushions. I have all sorts of oddments which are over 20 years old. I selected scatter cushions and matching dining chair cushions in a William Morris Pimpernel design.

Feeling a little more mobile in the afternoon I went to give some minimal assistance to The Man with the gardening. (I held a black plastic bag open for him to empty the grass clippings into.)

Sat in the sun while he worked, I noticed the backlighting of the marguerite.

In the evening we joined our local swift enthusiast in a walk around the town, monitoring the likely nesting places.

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