Two Pretty Ladies

I put on my gardening clothes this morning, and a face mask, so that I could take everything out of our garden cupboard, sort through all the pots and tools and plant food, sweep out the cupboard and the shelves, and then put everything back into the cupboard except the things that needed to go to the tip. The face mask was precautionary so that I didn’t inhale too much dust or cobwebs. 

I got as far as taking everything out of the cupboard and stacking it on the front drive, when a familiar car drove in. Our daughter-in-law got out, opened the back door of the car and out jumped a little girl wearing a beautiful dress, a pretty pink cardigan with scalloped edges*, and patent shoes with flowers on the strap. She looked askance at the peculiar person in old clothes wearing a mask, and I had to explain to her why I looked so strange! 

The Traveller spared a few minutes away from his work computer, and he, Grandpa and Mummy had coffee together while Granny decamped to the playroom with little H, where we played "Mummy and Baby". This entailed putting dolly to bed, turning off the light, going to sleep, the cock crowing, us waking up, and then taking baby for a walk in her push chair to buy an ice cream. Several times over. 

Mummy took H home at lunchtime and, after Smithers and I had eaten, I put everything back into the garden cupboard. I finally got out of my gardening clothes and into something more respectable at 5.30 pm! 

I make no apologies for posting yet another photo of my Pretty Lady roses. There’s such a short window when they are at their absolute best, and I’m determined to make the most of it!

*No prizes for guessing who knitted it ...

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