
Bit of a drama going on when I went for my afternoon walk.  Two ambulances and a paramedic car, parked near the beach. And the 'air ambulance' parked on the Island.

Not quite sure what was going on, but in true 'British nosey style', all the holiday makers were standing around waiting to see what was happening. 

We just continued on our walk, because we are not tourists that need to watch every single rescue.

PS - think there was a drama on the beach, because about 15 mins later the air ambulance landed there.

PPS - I'm sure whatever happened will be reported on the local FB pages. #nothingissecretthesedays

PPPS - Before Ann took this photo of me with the air ambulance in the background she was going to post this photo of me (see extras) with clouds in the background.  Yes..................... we actually had clouds in the sky first thing this morning.  Fortunately by the time Ann went down to the beach for her swim the clouds had gone away and Mr Sunshine had come out to play.  Yay!

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