You're a bit young to be out on your own!

The Blackbird chicks are out of the nest, not sure if they were supposed to be, they still look incredibly young.
Marlane heard a lot of clattering, and clicking, outside. Looked out of the conservatory windows and saw three chicks being attacked by a Magpie. the adult Blackbirds were swooping down and making a hell of a noise shouting at the Magpies.
Marlane opened the door and chased off the Magpie. I know they may have young to feed too but not at the expense of our Blackbirds, there's plenty of road-kill around, squirrels, hedgehogs even badgers and foxes. Don't like to see any road-kill but it happens.
We are going to keep a look-out for the chicks and try to help the Mum and Dad keep them safe.
Talking of road-kill, when we were in Tasmania, in Jan/Feb 2002, we visited Mole Creek wildlife park. It was fascinating and I found the Tasmanian Devils incredible to watch. They look so cute and funny until - the keeper got into their area with a bucket of cut up rabbits. They are just about the most ferocious thing you can imagine and hung on to the meat even when it was lifted off the ground.
They are endangered though, mostly through road-kill, and we were told that if we saw any road-kill we should stop and drag it off the road. If the wild Devils start on a carcass they will not stop, even for a car or a truck, hence they are, themselves, endangered!! 

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