Golden light

This is Ceduna. A town of 2000 people on the east of the Great Australian Bight. The next town is Norseman (pop 500) in Western Australia 1204 Km away. We are going to stay here until the weather clears, at the moment there is a severe wind warning in WA and the trip across the Nullarbor is windy at the best of times. 

Our caravan park is behind some high sand dunes and at the moment it is calm. We drove a few km into town for dinner because it’s our 47th wedding anniversary. The only place open was a hotel and it was busy. It had great views out over the jetty and the sun was just going down as we arrived. On the way home we could see the moon rising so I popped out to see  if I could get a shot without trees.

I drove home. The route was complicated as we had to go right and left and right and left over some railway tracks. Bob directed me into town so I pulled up and put Shelly Beach Caravan park into the sat nav. Unfortunately it directed us to Shelley Beach caravan park in Hervey Bay Queensland -  2544 Km in the wrong direction. Phew. 

The book is one I read over the last few days. I quite like that author. Now for an Agatha Christie I picked up in a book swap place at the last park.

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