Raindrops kept falling on my head

It rained the whole time it was light today and the Turkish Shepherd puppy and I had a very wet walk this afternoon. When I took him back to the sanctuary a Turkish man and boy were waiting outside. From what the boy said, I gathered that the puppy and his mother had run away after someone had inadvertently left the door of their kennel unlocked. They will be taking them home tomorrow afternoon and the boy told me that they'd already bought an extra lock to put on the kennel door.

I hadn't intended on taking any photos after the walk because it was still raining lightly, but I eventually decided to get the DSLR out of my bag for a few moments to take a few very quick shots of these wet leaves as I would otherwise have had to blip a shot of the puppy again.

Trying to organise my photos has proved to be quite a nightmare and a very large part of the day has been spent searching for the instructions and advice that a very good friend had sent some time ago along with some software that should help me with that. I was just about to give up this evening when I finally found what I was looking for. I knew I would have put them in a safe locations but apparently that location had been a little too safe. Now that the instructions and advice have been printed off, I hope to be able to make some more progress with it tomorrow.

A big thank you for all the kind comments and stars on my blip from yesterday.

I apologise for not commenting very much on other journals at the moment. I hope to do that a little more again once I've more or less set up a system to organise my photos.

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