
By lucia13


Hello my blip friends. I hope you all are ok . The weather here is not good but still we went around the countryside for a short walk . We are around Sufflok enjoying the typical cottages around here. I like them so much. They are beautiuful houses. I saw this one many times but never stopped to take a pic so today it is my blip. It was raining a little but it didn't disturb me and didn't stop me taking a few pictures. Like my husband has said to me many times "Don't let the weather stop you from doing what you want to do", so I followed his wise advice.

I think it was the most colourful thing I saw today so enjoyed it. I like the pond and garden around the cottage. I just painted one similar form a friend maybe I will paint this for me. It is like a post card. We are lloking for a house to by around here . I don't mind if we found some think like that haha! . Very tipical English. Only I missed my Swan here in the pond.. haha! it should be perfect..pic..

I hope the weather will improve tomorrow and we can go somewhere else.

Thank you for visiting my journal and writing such nice comments for me. I am glad that that you enjoyed my last picture of the Anglo Saxon village.

Have a nice day and don't let the bad weather stop you from smiling!

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