Blipmeet today at the coast.  Got a lift from J (J4n3t) and her husband T who picked me up around 12.30pm.  We drove to Tynemouth to meet up with C ( 60plus) her husband R and P ( Shygirl73).  Had coffee and snacks provided by C and R and then we went for a wander down to the sea.  Walked along the pier.  See Extra for a collage of seaside shots including the crashing waves seen from the pier.  Theres also an Extra photo with the 6 of us on kindly taken by a passer by.  The weather was perfect  today - warm and sunny.

Back to C and R's for more coffee and sweet treats.  And lots of chat and laughs.

Left the coast around 5.20pm and was back home at 6pm.  I had a lovely time.  Always great to meet up with these lovely people.  We always have fun together.

Check out the other blips from today -J4n3t   60plus   Shygirl73

All the walking and sea air made me very sleepy and this evening I couldn't keep my eyes open so have nodded off a couple of times while I was supposed to be watching TV.  Hence the late blip.

Steps today - 10,284

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