June Challenge - "Rainbows"

I headed to Neil's this afternoon to keep Luna company for a while.  As usual I made a quick shopping trip to Lidl on the way.

Neil has 3 days off work and he was supposed to be travelling to Glasgow today to take part in a run but he's had to cancel as he isn't feeling well. (full of cold, coughing etc).   So he was at home today but he was in bed most of the time I was there. At least he has the weekend off to relax and hopefully get well.

After I left Neils I got the bus to the Metrocentre.  Did some shopping in Superdrug and M & S.

Found my blip shot in the Metrocentre.  This rainbow painted wall is my entry into the June Rainbow challenge. 

The weather today was back to being warm and sunny.  Hopefully it was stay the same tomorrow for a blipmeet at the coast.

Im late posting this as my computer is having an off day -running very slow and its crashed a couple of times.  So annoying.

Steps today - 10,114

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