The Poetry Lady!

We had a lovely day out to our two favourite National Trust venues.
Baddesley Clinton and Packwood House.
This young lady was really interesting.
She had a board where people could sign up for a 20 minute session with her. (Obviously she had intervals in between). She then asked them to sit down on the chairs provided and just talk to her about their lives maybe, their interests, friends, or if she had a parent with their child/children, she then had a conversation with them.
During this time she was jotting down words or phrases from their conversations and once the 20 minutes was up, they waited as she composed a poem for them, using their recollections and words. And printed it out to give to them.
One man was evidently very moved at how she composed a poem for him.
I asked her if I could video her and take a photo. As you can see, here she is!
It has been a glorious day, which became warmer than yesterday as the chilly wind receded.
I am writing this in the summerhouse where we have just had our tea.
Now it’s time for me to water the borders once more.
I’ll post a link to the video I took of her, and one of what happened to the fox when he met the hedgehog last night!
Made me laugh!

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