Silly Bird
Or – the creature from beyond attacks Wendover Close,
Or – I don’t know what that bird was eating, but I wish it had kept it to itself!!
You can get an idea of the original size of the attack by the watermark, I had been trying for a good ten or fifteen minutes to wash the lot of, but this patch just would not go – and scraping is NOT the answer! That would be silly.
I eventually got it off after soaking under the ‘wash brush’ with a dribble of water running through for a good fifteen or twenty minute, then it was reluctant to let go – silly bird.
It’s been a busy ‘wet’ day – cleaned the aquarium filters, cleaned out the pond (silly leaves, we may be moving the pond later this year, possibly on a Saturday . . ), washed the living room window (another bird attack just after the window cleaner had left a few days ago) and watered the pyracantha to help it on it’s way after yesterday (as it is/was under the living room window it was killing two birds with one stone – unfortunately not the ones that pooped on us). Oh – nearly forgot – washed the car.
I think Admirer would chuckle at that lot.
Taken with the new telephone, I had a job to keep me out of the reflection. The flecks are the metallic bits in the paint.
Many thanks to 60p for hosting Silly Saturday this month.
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