Defying Gravity

As mentioned yesterday, I’m usually to be found on stage at this time of year, performing in the BATS sumner play. But this year, it had been decided that the “Showstoppers” production, which is usually at the end of August, would take the end of May/beginning of June slot.
Now, I don’t normally take part in “Showstoppers” due to lack of vocal talent, but, like a salmon returning to its spawning ground, I felt a strong urge to go to the Bryce Institute this week, so attended the show last night.
The theme for “Showstoppers” this year was “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly”. Featured musicals included “Mary Poppins”, “Matilda”, “Sweeney Todd”, “The Addams Family” and “Wicked”. And very good it was too - excellent singing, dancing, scenery and costumes. With a cast that had an age range of at least 60 years, it was great to see everyone enjoying themselves and giving it their all. Perusing the programme, I was pleased to see that each musical had a different director, and that it was our younger members who had stepped up to those roles and produced some superb spectacles.
Confession time now. When I tried to get a sneaky pic of the well known number from “Wicked”, I fell foul of a heavy handed smoke machine operator. As Elpheba rose majestically from the stage, all I could actually see was the very top of a witches hat up by the proscenium arch, sticking out of a dense cloud of smoke! So I’ve nicked the picture of the previous nights performance from BATS social media!
It was a most enjoyable evenings entertainment and kudos to all involved for daring to try something a little bit different. If you’re local to Kendal you can still catch the show tonight and tomorrow.

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