Possibly bonkers!
An early visit to the plot, where I met David, another early gardener, back from his fortnight in the Yorkshire Dales. I'd offered to water his plot while away, & he'd very kindly given me 3 greetings cards, prints of 3 watercolours, 2 by his wife, one of his own, as a thank you. Turns out they are both professional artists, spending some time in their past working lives teaching art to passengers on cruise ships. David Pilgram, & Elizabeth Marsden-King. A very thoughtful gesture. I watered all the veg, slowly using only part filled buckets, popped in a batch of beetroot seedlings started in the greenhouse, then randomly popped seed in the wild flower bit of ground around the recently planted fruit trees.
Kevin was at Mum's when I arrived, lawns already cut, he was giving the privet hedge a tidy. Mum has been getting fixated on little "things", the hedge being untidy being one, so although I think it a little early to be hedge trimming, went ahead.
Yesterday (Wednesday) Mum & I made a batch of chicken tikka masala & rice, 4 portions for the freezer, 1 for her dinner. Today we made chicken, ham & leek gratin. 6 portions for the freezer, 1 for her dinner. It was good to get Mum involved in the making, although she did go 'walkabout' as I was getting the ingredients together. When she did'nt come back after a good 5 mins I thought I'd better check if she was alright. I expected to find her talking to someone over the garden wall but she was collecting some of the hedge trimmings Kevin had missed, so I quietly left her to it & headed back to the kitchen.
Back home, lunchtime. Sitting is uncomfortable, standing upright after sitting very painful so best to keep busy. Probably a tad silly but..... The Chudleigh Wild patch of garden, is an area outside the property wall, which as we only rent, AND people exercise their dogs along the adjoining pavement/ grass verge I thought a wild bit would be good. Unfortunately the grass has grown faster than anything else, now beginning to fall onto the pavement. In there somewhere are buddleja plants that I've grown from cuttings so after chatting to Kevin about strimming the area I decided my only solution was to cut myself. A pair of floristry scissors possibly not the ideal tool but at least I can be selective in what gets cut back. It was hot but satisfying work. There were a few casualties, (in the vase), & I only found 1 buddleja so fingers crossed I'll find more later. Half done, half to do.
I came indoors, was going to make a new dish for dinner from a recipe I found in the paper but The Chase was about to start so I grabbed a cider, got all the ingredients out for Spag bol & made that instead, prepping during the programme intervals it was happily bubbling away at 6pm, perfect for 7pm dinner.
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