Flaming June!

Back home, back to grey skies - and back to having to put on more clothes! To say I’m somewhat disappointed in the chilly weather is a bit of an understatement.

Anyway, not having got to bed until about 3am, we got up late this morning and did the unpacking and put clothes into wash and hang out in the garden. The garden was still there, though predictably totally overgrown and jungle-like. I forced my way through the poached egg flower to get to the washing line. It’s a great splash of colour, even if it has got a bit out of hand.

I started a little bit of jungle taming this morning and then in the afternoon the more difficult task of trawling through the work emails to catch up a little. I’m trying to ease myself back to work gradually and determined not to get stressed and undo the good work of the holiday.

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