The trek home

Our final day on lovely Fuerteventura. We left our apartment around 11am - the final shot of one of the many murals of Gran Tarajal taken from the car park is in the extras. We then drove up the coast to Calete de Fuste and had a stroll and a leisurely lunch. A very different place to Gran Tarajal; a real tourist resort compared to Gran Tarajal which had no big hotels and which felt like a place where locals actually lived. The town always came alive in the evenings especially in front of our apartment when the local kids played football on the beach for hours.

These camels (or strictly speaking dromedaries) were giving rides up and down the beach. You could smell them before you saw them! Apparently, the majorero camels arrived on the island in the early 15th century, and are recognised as the only indigenous European breed of camel. It is estimated that in 1590 about 4000 dromedaries were used for transport in Fuerteventura. 

After some final photos of the stunning blue sea and sky, we reluctantly drove the short distance to the airport later in the afternoon for our return flight home, arriving back in Edinburgh after midnight.

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