Favourite Birthday Present

BB is seventeen today – how did that happen?  I had a cake to bake, but went for a run once I had done a few chores around the house.  It was a lovely morning for a run – my usual Friday morning route – so just over five miles.  It was then home to bake a cake.  He had requested a chocolate cake.  I didn’t have everything I needed for my usual chocolate cake recipe, nor for a backup I had in mind.  In the end I made a recipe from a magazine.  It was very easy and turned out well.  BB appeared when I was baking and was desperate to open his birthday cards and presents.  Friends who have recently been touring around Spain probably get the prize for the favourite present –  an Athletic Bilbao strip.  He was delighted with it.
My next job was to pop out for lunch and to pick up some bits and pieces for decorating the cake.  In between a few more chores, I iced and decorated the cake, then got myself ready to go out.
We took the late running bus into Edinburgh to meet up with TT to go out for dinner.  We stopped off for a couple of drinks at  Summerhall and even managed to sit outside, before moving on to a steak restaurant, for BB had requested a steak for his birthday dinner.  I am not a steak eater, so was not overly in favour, but then I relented when I spotted that they had fish on the menu.  The boys ordered massive steaks and devoured them, with various trimmings.  I had fish. TT and I shared a dessert, while BB scoffed hi, not even letting us taste his.  He declared that he is already looking forward to going back and trying something else off the menu, i.e. a different steak.  They are on their own for that.
We managed to get an express bus home and didn’t get caught up with the Harry Styles fans.  BB has had a lovely day – mostly spent dreaming about his birthday steak, then eating his birthday steak!!   
The favourite present!

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