Flower box

By the front door, I have this box, which is almost rotten, but which I planted up a few years ago. The plants are nothing special, but these three tall flowers that have an iris type flower are pretty. Someone will tell me what they are, I am sure! They were bulbs I planted a couple of years ago. I also planted the clematis which has managed to establish itself this year, so I need to put up a small bit of trellis. There are a few gaps, so I'll find something to fill them.

The working day flew. I had a nice chat with my lovely team this morning, and decided I like them and the work too much to go searching for another job (which I was thinking about)

Went to yoga and was very tired so fell asleep at the end. My hands really hurt when we do anything weight bearing on them, because of the arthritis. I don't think there is a cure for it. It won't stop me doing yoga.

Enjoying the rest of yesterday's pudding now. I made an apple and blueberry batter pudding. The batter was a bit too runny really, but it still worked and everyone liked it, so I'll do it again - made a change from crumble! I've got ice cream on mine, but the others have custard. Yuck.

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