So no sno today except the stuff that's up there, in the mountains so to bark. It was however a tad chilly and I was clad of all my curls this morning as we set out on an adventure that featured excitement and intrigue and walked the lakefront to the Post Office. The excitement was encountering a small white extremely barky thing that promptly rolled over and gave me it's credit card. The intrigue was the Post Office as The Boss always clips me to a rail there and does the business but everyone who needs to go to their box has to go past me and it can be really very social especially if someone kno's it's ME and says "Hullo".
We had a bit of that today as I ignored the Courier lady (well you do...don't you) got highly excited when L and D arrived to inspect The Tree, moderately excited when the lovely K arrived (we have met before), Ignored G, who just needed his SIM thingie removed and finally sang Cantata for dog in backseat in D# (Opus 45) all the way to THC. (Tussocks Holiday Camp), DO YOU KNO that there was a Golden Retriever sitting in a big leather chair at THC reception. I gave it "The Look" but there was nobody receiving that dmail and it didn't move.
Well you will be entertained by tt my assistant for the next few days so I hope you enjoy the ride. I am just popping back to have a quiet word.....
Oh the curls...
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