Morning on the lake

There was much excitement on the house this morning as there had been a tad more overnight snow but after grub The Bossess had to go out and as we watched her down the drive the first fluffs appeared. I was highly suspicious when The Boss pulled his boots on (serious stuff boots) added his camera sling bag with weather cover on and headed for the door. "Hey" I Barked..."Sorry" he said but I am just going down to the lake and I need to concentrate and you will get your paws cold.
I hope he heard my continued protests as he disappeared into the now heavily falling white stuff. I did run around outside for a bit but it felt a bit funny so I went back inside.

The photo moment didn't last and by lunch time (theirs NOT mine) it was almost gone and now (evening) there is not a sign on the ground.
However I am pleased to announce Winter has arrived in Wanaka.

The Boss and acyclinggranny both got season passes for sno shooing this year so he will have more than the usual passing interest on things white this time. I will not be participating in any of this. The Boss says I would get my tootsies seriously chilled and I am not even close to a Huskie. Curses!

There was further injury incurred when The Boss got tied up with M. Not actually tied up like with rope and stuff but distracted when she arrived and The Bossess ran her stethoscope over her spreadsheet and pronounced it spread. This delayed the usual stickathon so I had plan B where I travel in Suzz to Waterfall Creek and have a ParkNchuk (nothing to do with over indulgence). The Boss lets me tear around madly while he chucks sticks in all directions and I kill them. After a suitable period of activity it's back in Suzz and home. Oh I met Poppy again. I thought that she was a small horse but it appears she is a Great Dane. I did out stick problem. Woohoo. ( now who said that?) must Doogle it on my dPad.

Count the sno flakes

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