Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad

This was taken just as we started the final set of the final gig of the weekend. If I look knackered, it’s because I was. Though not as bad as our guitarist and drummer who had already played an afternoon gig. We also had a lot of sound problems, which really didn’t help when you’re tired and not thinking straight anyway. It was clear that some of the crowd had been on the fizzy pop for most of the day and there was a lot of spilled drink. There was also one idiot who almost sent our PA crashing to the ground. Fortunately, some more sober punters caught it just in time but we’ve now got a very bent speaker pole to replace.
With hindsight, three gigs on the bounce was probably a bit ambitious, and we definitely peaked on Saturday. Can’t have been too bad last night though judging by the chants of “one more song!” at the end of the set. We obliged with a thrash through “Wild Thing” but definitely couldn’t have done any more.
Today has been spent relaxing. I took the bike out and rode the scenic route to Barrow to meet Stu for a coffee this afternoon, but that was the limit of any sort of activity. And it will be nice to be in bed before midnight tonight!

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