
By Fiorghra

Memorial Fireworks

Today is Memorial Day in the States. The weather was absolutely perfect - not too humid (a blessing in the South this time of year) although the mosquitos are out. I spent most of the day reading Mary Stewart's "The Crystal Cave" underneath the not-too-cool shade of pin oak and hickory trees while sipping sweet ice tea. We had a family picnic for lunch. I ignored my emails all day. And at night, we got some little fireworks to set off. It's kind of a mini-4th of July celebration. As a Quaker, I prefer not to honour war on this day, but I do take this time to remember the lives that have been lost in conflict and reflect on the need for peacemakers in the world.

18th century Friend John Woolman said it well: "May we look upon our treasure, the furniture of our houses, and our garments, and try to discover whether the seeds of war have nourishment in these our possessions." There are always hidden costs of violence ... towards ourselves, towards those we love, towards our fellow humanity and other species, to this planet ...... and we are all deeply connected through these webs of unity and violence.

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